What is the GEDO-2 Program?
- The GED Option #2 Program is a high school completion option. Through the program, students are able to use earned credits and GED testing to satisfy Wisconsin DPI graduation requirements to earn a School District of River Falls diploma.
- Our GEDO2 Program offers a dedicated teacher, a small learning environment, and an individualized learning experience.
While in the program, students will meet five days each week for 3 hours each day.
- A focus on post-secondary thriving along with graduation is facilitated through individual, small-group, and whole-group instruction and collaboration. Alongside academics, staff use intentional lessons to discuss and hone work-related skills, communication skills, decision-making skills, and social-emotional regulation techniques.
Who is eligible for the GEDO2 Program?
- Eligible students will fit the following criteria:
- At least 17 years of age
- At least 1 year (8 credits) behind their peers
- 9th-grade reading level or higher
- Class has not already graduated unless noted in student’s IEP
- Student and family agree to program participation requirements
Can students with IEPs participate?
- Yes! Case managers need to be involved in this decision along with the student and family.
- A Review/Revise IEP meeting will need to be held to update placement.
Can students who are open-enrolled participate?
- Yes! If a student has been open-enrolled in the School District of River Falls, they are eligible.
- If they are not already open-enrolled in our District, they can enroll if there is space available in the program.
Where is the program located?
- The GEDO2 Program is located in the Renaissance Charter Academy, 1355 Sunshine Avenue, River Falls, WI 54022
When am I expected to be there?
- Class will be held Monday - Friday from 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM.
Will bus transportation be provided?
- Yes! Morning bussing will run the same Renaissance / Elementary schedule. Midday transportation will also be provided on an individual basis.
- Call the River Falls Transportation Department at 715-425-1808
What do I need to do to complete the GEDO2 Program?
- In addition to voluntarily entering the program, an intake meeting will be held and a contract will be signed by the student, family, Renaissance Charter Academy Coordinator, and the school counselor
- Other program requirements include:
- Attendance of 90% or better will be maintained while enrolled
- Passing scores on each of the required GED tests
- Successful completion of Health
- Successful completion of Personal Finance
- Successful completion of the Civics test
- Attend a career or college field trip during their time in the program
- Exhibit behavior appropriate for an adult education class
How long does it take to complete this program?
- This depends on student circumstances and where students currently are with their credits earned.
- This is also dependent on how long it takes each student to complete the GED tests they are required to take.
Will I be able to participate in the graduation ceremony?
- Yes! If you wish to walk at graduation with your class, you will be able to upon completion of the GEDO2 Program requirements.
- Students who complete the GEDO2 Program will receive a School District of River Falls diploma.
Who should I contact for more information?
- Please call 715-425-7687 for more information.