River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School uses an application process for admission. Once the number of applicants exceeds the number of open seats for any grade level, River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School implements a lottery system for the entire pool of applicants. Those not meeting application and lottery deadlines or do not get selected through the lottery will be placed on a waiting list and may still gain acceptance into the River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School if space becomes available.
River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School does not discriminate against students on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, creed, age, national origin, ancestry, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or disability, in conformity with the School District of River Falls (SDRF) Nondiscrimination Policy.
The maximum number of students that can be accepted in each grade level shall be recommended and approved by River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School administration and the River Falls School Board annually during the January Board meeting when the number of seats are established for schools districtwide.
River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School will give preference in enrollment to the following categories of students, in the following order:
- Returning students
- Children of River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School staff
- Siblings of returning students
Once a student has been admitted to the River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School, he or she is automatically guaranteed a seat at the River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School for all subsequent grade levels, unless the student withdraws from the River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School. In addition, siblings of accepted students who will later become school age will be guaranteed a seat at the River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School. In the case of a lottery, lottery applications received simultaneously for siblings for the same grade level will be processed sequentially. For example, if one sibling’s name is drawn during the lottery, their same grade sibling is then exempt from the lottery and automatically assigned the next available seat. If there is not an opening for the sibling, the sibling will be placed in a priority position at the top of the waitlist.
When a lottery is required the following will occur:
- For each grade level one card will be placed into a container for each applicant participating in the lottery
- The card includes the applicant name, grade, and the category of enrollment preference, such as if a sibling applied at the same time as another applicant and is in the same grade.
- The lottery team, consisting of one River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School staff member, a River Falls Public Montessori Elementary Charter School administrator, and a school board member, will select the cards, one at a time, until all cards have been drawn. Lottery applicants in excess of available seats will be placed on a waitlist in the order they are drawn for future enrollment consideration, based on newly open and available seats.
- The school will notify lottery applicant parents in accordance with aforementioned timelines of the outcome as to whether their child has been accepted or has been placed on a wait list.
Any exceptions to these procedures must be approved by the RFSD administration and the school board. Appeals may be sent to:
River Fall Public Montessori Elementary Attn: Kai Rodgers 421 Maple St. River Falls, WI 54022
It is the responsibility of each parent to familiarize themselves with the admission policy, including deadlines. All deadlines are final, and no exceptions will be made.